Documentation material on the action in Munich, 1969 (Selection) 1. Concept VALIE EXPORT, Der Busen als Leinwand... 2. Text VALIE EXPORT, Tapp und Tastfilm, die vorführung findet... 3. Der Kurier, 12.11.1968, daily, evening edition, Tapp, tapp, ein Film 4. Der Kurier, 12.11.1968, daily, morning edition, Ping Pong, ein Film 5. Österreichische Film und Kino Zeitung, 23.11.1968 6. Stern, magazine, booklet N° 50, 10.-16.12.1968 7. Quick, journal, 11.12.1968 8. Film, Feber 1969 9. Spiegel, magazine, booklet N° 17, 21.4.1969, p.194 10. Underground Explosion Tour, program 11. Underground Explosion Tour, poster 12. Spiegel, magazine, booklet N° 24, 9.6.1969 , Antigesellschaft im Untergrund p.142-143 13. Electric Cinema, Vestzaktheater de Trapkes Photodocumentation of the first "TAPP- und TASTKINO" made of polystyrene November 11, 1968, Stachus in München 3 black-and-white photographs (reproductions): VALIE EXPORT with "TAPP- und TASTKINO", left Dore O. (Filmmaker), right Wilhelm Hein (Filmmaker and Curator), Dieter Meier (Filmmaker and Musician; covered by german filmteam), 24 x 18 cm Photographer: Werner Schulz VALIE EXPORT and Ed Sommer (Filmmaker), surrounded by passers-by, 24 x 18 cm Photographer: Hans Peter Kochenrath VALIE EXPORT and Hans Scheugl (Filmmaker; Co-editor of "Eine Subgeschichte des Films", 1974 and biography Kurt Kren, 1996), Peter Weibel with megaphon, 13 x 18 cm Photographer: Werner Schulz Photodocumentation of the second "TAPP- und TASTKINO" of aluminum 1969 on occasion of "Underground Explosion" 1 black-and-white photograph (reproduction) VALIE EXPORT with "TAPP- und TASTKINO, right with painted face Limpe Fuchs, left behind Paul Fuchs (both members of the "Underground Explosion"). In the centre Wolfgang Ernst, Designer and producer of "TAPP- und TASTKINO" aluminum version, 13 x 18 cm Photographer: Alexander Zeininger