Ulrike Grossarth
Ulrike Grossarth was born in Oberhausen, Germany, in 1952. From 1969 to 1972 she studied artistic dance at the Else-Lang-Schule in Cologne. From 1972 to 1974 she continued her training at the Institute for Dance at the Folkwang School in Essen. In 1974 and 1975, she attended the Palucca School in Dresden and completed dance training in London. In 1998, she received a professorship for "Comprehensive Artistic Work" at the Dresden University of Fine Arts. In 1997 she participated in the documenta X in Kassel. In 2009 Ulrike Grossarth was awarded the Käthe Kollwitz Prize. Since 2014 she is a member of the Academy of Arts Berlin. In 2019 she was awarded the medal of the city of Lublin, Poland. In 2020 Grossarth handed over an early estate with selected works from all phases of her creative work to the Künstler:innenarchiv of the Stiftung Kunstfonds, Berlin. She lives in Berlin and Dresden, Germany.

16 moving things, 2005

BAU I, 1989-2000

DeFormen, 1995

DeFormen, 1995

DeFormen, 1995

Der Ofen, 1985

Die ideale Starre, 1995

Handlungsblockade, 1989

Handlungsmodell, 1988

Handstudien / Numerisches, 1988-1995

Hilfskörper, 1987

Kohlenstrasse, 1984

Ohne Titel, 1990

Ohne Titel, 1990

Projektionsmodell, 1989