Ein perfektes Paar oder die Unzucht wechselt ihre Haut

Ein perfektes Paar oder die Unzucht wechselt ihre Haut, 1986
Part of the episodes film "Seven Women -- Seven Sins" Video, color, sound, 13 min 36 sec Book and Director: VALIE EXPORT Performers: Silvia Eiblmayr, Elfriede Jelinek, Alfred Neugebauer, Werner De Pauli-Schimanovich, Susanne Widl Photography: Edgar Osterberger Produced by: VALIE EXPORT, M.B.M. Maya Constantine for ZDF
Artwork text
This video shows a modern form of being unchaste. Whereas it was once seen as unchaste to sell bare skin, sport stars today demonstrate that a skin covered by trademarks is easier to sell. The same, of course, is true for politicians, albeit in a more subtle way. Advertisement on the skin represents the new lasciviousness! I see this film as a continuation of my previous work with the body as a vehicle of social coding. Whereas until now religion dictated the way men/women were to behave, which also manifested itself in their outward appearance, the economy has now assumed this role. Economy dictated body behavior, body expression in the most direct way, thus normalizing our representation of the body. It is no longer religion that sets moral standards but rather the world-wide power of the economy with its products and coding. Morals have found a new patron. (VALIE EXPORT)