Museum Highlights: A Gallery Talk

Andrea Fraser
Museum Highlights: A Gallery Talk, 1989
Video, color, sound, 29 min Director, performer, script: Andrea Fraser Photography: Merril Aldigheri Produced by: Andrea Fraser with funding from The Pew Charitable Trusts
Artwork text
Museum Highlights: A Gallery Talk is based on a gallery-talk performance conducted at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in February 1989. Fraser led viewers on a tour through one of America’s most important art museums, developing a social history of the art museum in the United States, focusing on the relationships between class, taste, private philanthropy, and public policy in producing, not only museums, but the culture of urban public spheres. At the same time, Fraser enacts the effects of that history, developing an extreme identification with the museum in her attempts to become the museum’s representative and its ideal visitor. (Andrea Fraser)