Domination and the Everyday

Martha Rosler
Domination and the Everyday, 1978
Video, color, sound, 32 min 7 sec Performers: Martha Rosler with her son Joshua Technical assistance: Sarah Culotta, Bill Jennings, Jim Knox, Allan Sekula
Artwork text
“An artist-mother ‘This is Your Life’” (Rosler). The relationship between the state, the mass media, and the family is reflected on using simultaneous sound-tracks, stills, and a banner text. While the Chilean dictator Pinochet is shown on screen, a woman (Rosler) is heard with her small son, whom she is feeding and getting ready for bed. In the background, a radio interview between a woman interviewer and a male art dealer can be heard. In a banner text, Pinochet’s machinations are detailed as he announces to the people of Chile via TV: “Remember, you can be replaced.” Meanwhile advertisements and family photos can be seen, while common forms of domination are described in the banner text. (Sabine Breitwieser)