reduzierte zeitung (neue tageszeitung)

Gerhard Rühm
reduzierte zeitung (neue tageszeitung), 1962
Over-paintings 6 title pages of the daily "Österreichische Neue Tageszeitung" (Tuesday 7 August to Sunday 12, August 1962), painted over with India ink 46.5 x 31 cm each, framed 70 x 50 cm each
Artwork text
In his reduced newspaper of the same year, Rühm painted over the title pages of newspapers on six consecutive days, preserving only the word “und” (and). By reducing the daily paper to this additive conjunction, or rather by emphasizing it in this way, Rühm makes a striking statement about the inflationary excesses of information in a daily newspaper. (Sabine Breitwieser/Nadja Wiesener)