Ping Pong Kassette

Ping Pong Kassette, 1968
"Ein Film zum Spielen/ein Spielfilm/preisgekrönt!/made by VALIE EXPORT"
Object, Polystyrene, stamp imprint, aluminum foil, table tennis racket, ball, N-8mm film, 31 x 48 x 3.5 cm
Artwork text
Ping pong consists of a pingpong bat, a ball, and a sample film. Here again the film action arises because of the screen’s new function. Projected onto the screen is a point that keeps turning up somewhere. The actor/user of the film is supposed to hit this point with the ball. The TV version is highly suitable for morning hours / early-morning exercise. Points appear, leaping about the TV screen, and the TV actor / morning exerciser has to play pingpong with them. This filmic action makes the power relationship between producer (director) and consumer (viewer) explicit. What the eye tells the brain here is a trigger for motor reflexes and reactions. Viewer and screen are partners in a game whose rules are dictated by the director. prize: 2nd maraisiade “young film 68,” Vienna, as the most political film of the festival. (VALIE EXPORT) The Ping Pong Cassette was offered for sale by VALIE EXPORT in the magazine film in 1969 with the following advertising text: The Ping Pong Cassette Train your practical skills! Keep your body fit. Play summer sport even in winter. Give your children something really decent for a change: games, fun, sport. Always a great success at parties! Award winning as a political film. Always an excellent gift: A game of perception giving you the chance to turn your enemies who want to make fun of it into the butt of the joke. A terrific bargain! A film featuring a game—a feature film: After breakfast, after lunch—in the evening you’re fit for your fulltime job. If you think training body and mind is fun, then “Ping Pong” will be just the thing for you, so try “Ping Pong,” order “Ping Pong” directly from VALIE EXPORT.