100 Tage Anwesenheit in Kassel

Gottfried Bechtold
100 Tage Anwesenheit in Kassel, 1972
Protocols of loudspeaker announcements of the action for Documenta 5 97 loose sheets (29.7 x 21 cm each), typescript-text on paper, punched, in ring-binder 32.4 x 26.6 cm
Artwork text
Bechtold’s concept for the Documenta 5 in Kassel, in 1972, was based on his daily presence at this important exhibition. The location where he could be found at the moment was announced several times a day over the Fridericianum’s public address system both there and in the Orangerie. Potentially, every one who visited the exhibition could verify the information and contact Bechtold personally. The announcements were transcribed every day and represent a documentary of his work. Bechtold’s original idea was to construct a full-scale replica of his Bregenz apartment and studio within the space of the Fridericianum Museum and to live there throughout the period of the exhibition. This project could not be realized due to financial and technical reasons. (Sabine Breitwieser)