Schlagworte Schlagbilder. Ein Gespräch mit Vilém Flusser

Harun Farocki
Schlagworte Schlagbilder. Ein Gespräch mit Vilém Flusser, 1986
Video, color, sound, 13 min Director: Harun Farocki Produced by: WDR, Cologne
Artwork text
Farocki interviews the philosopher Vilém Flusser on the layout of the front page of the tabloid newspaper “Bild.” This page is designed as a global image: on the one hand it is impossible to read the text without letting one’s eyes fix on the pictures, which are intended to create a strong effect: on the other hand, the typography of the headline—bold white type on a black background—creates a brutal and magical visual climate. Image and text replace each other in a single movement in order to trigger the “media shock.” (Antje Ehmann)