Franz West
NUR HEUTE!?, 1997
Print Silk screen print in eleven colors on hand-pulled BFK Rives paper, 250g 59.4 x 42 cm, framed 65 x 46 cm Edition postproduction 10/30 A. P. Produced by Generali Foundation, 1997
Artwork text
West’s print of a photomontage is labeled “ONLY TODAY!?” and shows two men wearing blue overalls, a red shirt, and a yellow cap (or a yellow shirt and a red cap), sailing away like Superman. In Austria these men are familiar from a TV commercial as so-called self-made men or handymen. Here they are advertising the business of a well-known pair of collectors. The “vision” is held aloft by a young woman in black leggings and a top “Versace stretch pants for only S 1350.--.”