Original Condition (Victor Gruen, The Rosenstiel/Augunas Residence, 1950/2005)

Dorit Margreiter Choy
Original Condition (Victor Gruen, The Rosenstiel/Augunas Residence, 1950/2005), 2006
Installation 12 excerpts from magazines, black and white and color, dry mounted on card board Single plates: [USD 5,250,000, (Melinda Ridell)], color, 5.6 x 6 cm [USD 5,250,000, (Crosby Doe, new exclusive)], color, 12.6 x 11.6 cm [USD 5,250,000], color, 5.9 x 6 cm [USD 5,250,000], black and white, 5.8 x 6 cm [USD 4,250,000, (Crosby Doe)], color, 6.7 x 5.7 cm [USD 4,250,000, (Crosby Doe)], color, 7.6 x 7.7 cm [USD 4,250,000, (Crosby Doe)], black and white, 13.3 x 9.6 cm [USD 4,250,000, (Melinda Ridell)], black and white, 5.7 x 6 cm [USD 3,995,000, (Melinda Ridell)], color, 5.1 x 6 cm [USD 3,995,000, (New Price)], color, 7.5 x 7.2 cm [USD 3,595,000, (Melinda Riddell], color, 5.8 x 5.9 cm [USD 3,595,000, (Crosby Doe)], color, 6.2 x 3.8 cm Framed 31.5 x 23.5 cm each
Artwork text
The advertisements document the sale of a villa by Austrian architect Victor Gruen in the Los Angeles Times between fall 2005 and spring 2006. Victor Gruen, who had to emigrate to New York in 1938, is considered the inventor of the shopping mall.