Après le reprise. la prise

Wendelien van Oldenborgh
Après le reprise. la prise, 2009
Slide projection in architectural setting 114 slides, 35mm, color, made of video stills, 3 Kodak-Carousel Ekta Pro 5000 slide projectors, synchronized sound French, Dutch and Portuguese and subtitles in English, separately projected with beamer, 16 min, Loop Edition 1/3 + 1 A.P. Cast: Thérèse Flouquet, Brigitte Nowak, Ahmed Chouyouhi, Imram Achakkar, Annye Silva, Hanane El Bouziani, Janne Van Eynde, Evelien Huylebroeck, Alberto Mvila, Kevin Mcleod, Hemili Carmen Da Silva Routman, Amal Siraj. Photography: Ben De Wandel Sound: Jan Samson Architecture design: Milica Topalovic Production in Cooperation with Contour Mechelen and support of Fonds BKVB.