Ohne Titel

Heimo Zobernig
Ohne Titel, 1990-92
Installation, slide projection Slide carousel with 3 x 26 35mm slides, 1 sheet of text (exhibition legend A-Z), Clipping frame, 21 x 29.2 cm Dimensions variable Edition 2/4 Chronology: A Robbin Lockett Gallery, Chicago 1990; B 910 Lake Shore Drive # 616, Chicago 1990; C Galerie Christian Nagel, Cologne 1990;; D Art Cologne, Texte zur Kunst, Cologne 1990 E Villa Arson, (Manuscript) Nice 1991; F Galerie Sylvana Lorenz, Paris 1991; G Kunstraum Daxer, Munich 1991; H Billboard, Houston Str., New York 1991; I Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York 1991 J Kärntner Landesgalerie, Klagenfurt 1991; K Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna 1991; L Galerie Holzer, Villach 1991; M EA-Generali Foundation, Vienna 1991; N Galerie Peter Pakesch, Vienna 1991; O Hotel des Arts, Paris 1991; P "Apt Art International", Moscow 1991; Q "Can Yasargil, Marcus Geiger, Heimo Zobernig", Fa. Paro, Innsbruck 1991; R Fettstraße 7a, Zurich 1991; S Archtektur Forum, Zurich T Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana U Galeria Zacheta, Warsaw 1991; V Kunstverein, Munich 1991; W Amraser Straße 28, Innsbruck 1992; X Galerie Achim Kubinski, Cologne 1992; Y Jänner Galerie, Vienna 1992; Z Documenta 9, Kassel 1992.
Artwork text
On the occasion of his first solo exhibition in the USA in 1990 (Robbin Locket Gallery, Chicago) Heimo Zobernig introduced an alphabetic listing system that he would use for all his forthcoming shows. At every exhibition venue he placed a 115 cm high black letter made of adhesive vinyl foil on one of the walls, following the progression of the alphabet until the series ended in 1992 with the letter Z at the documenta IX, Kassel. There he placed the last letter outside the entrance of the main building, the Fridericianum, on the ticket control counter. The photographic documentation of his interventions became a work on its own in the form of a slide show. The series was first published in the literature magazine Freibord in its 100th issue in 1997 and later as an artist’s book together with another early zine (Farben Alphabet, 2018). (Jürgen Tabor)